
Showing posts from March, 2023

The 3 Amigos - I was ready, ready and ready

How did we end up here?   I have often said my 100BEFORE40 story is about the journey, not the destination. Therefore, I always try to find interesting, exciting, or challenging pit stops along this journey. Some are fun, some are challenging, and some are outright brutal. The 3 Amigos was challenging.   What is “The 3 Amigos”   “Three Amigos” is actually a Western comedy that was released in 1986. However, this is not what we are on about here. It is a different three amigos. Here we are talking about “ The 3 Amigos”   I first heard of ”The 3 Amigos” a few years ago from mis amigos , Julian “ The Legend ” Karp and Don “ The Pink Tutu Runner ” Rukanda. I intended to run “The 3 Amigos” with them in 2020. However, an injury kept me off the road towards the end of 2019 and I could not make it to “The 3 Amigos” in 2020. The years 2020 and 2021 were “wasted two years” for me. I ran only 3 marathons in 2020, just before the Covid-19 induced lockdown. I ran 1...