The triple decker: Potatoes, Scaffolds, and Peace.
The AtLeast18MarathonsFor2018 leg of the 100BEFORE40 has been going well so far. I am glad I chose to call it AtLeast18MarathonsFor2018, instead of the more definite 17MarathonsFor2017 that I had last year. I haven’t looked back since my first marathon for 2018. Several friends and family have suggested that the 2018 leg be changed to 20, 25 or 30 marathons for 2018. My answer has been a consistent one; we will see how it goes. My aim was to get into the second half of the year having done more than ten marathons. I easily achieved this. By the end of March, I had already crossed the half way line. I was tempted to take it easy and slow down a bit. I was also tempted to start exploring and pushing the limits to see how it goes. After successfully completing the Deloittes KwaZulu-Natal Challenge Marathon and the Goldi Standerton Marathon three days apart, I set sights on completing two marathons two days apart at the end of April and beginning of May. This trend would culminate wi...