
Showing posts from September, 2017

"Black Label" out. Gold Label in...

27 – Cape Town Marathon, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 September 2017 After seeing spooks at the Mandela Day Marathon, I could not wait to get back on the road. I desperately needed to redeem myself. They say, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Having survived the Mandela Day Marathon, I fancied myself as a bit stronger. Adding to this enthusiasm was the old running adage that “the good thing about a bad run is that the next one will be better.” I really believed the Cape Town Marathon was my chance to brighten up the 17 Marathons for 2017 scoreboard. The times I have run this year are not the worst, but are far from the best. I have craved good times over the past 10 marathons, but this year is more about quantity, than quality. It is all about running those 17 marathons that I undertook to run this year. I was not sure of what I wanted to achieve at the Cape Town Marathon. Part of me was tempted to attempt a sub 4-hour finish. Everyone said this was a fast and fla...